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Measuring up                          by Paul A. Wussow

This little story is about one way to capture and retain information you need to draw a plan so you can build a model.

As some of you know I have been working on the building of a model of the Starks Seed Potato Warehouse along the SOO Line main east of Rhinelander in Stella Township. (Three Lakes Turn Feb. 2012) To be able to build a model you have to have a set of plans to work form.  To draw up the plans you need to have reliable measurements that provide vertical and horizontal measurements that you can apply to your drawing. Our scheme of gathering photographic information is as follows.

Simply use your camera, a buddy and measuring tape to document the information.

First take a photo of what is being measured (the overall view), then zoom in and get the actual measurement (the specific view).

At the same time get both structural (in this case a rock wall) and door-frame construction documented. This is generally a two person task.
20120215-20120215-DSC_0101.jpg  20120215-20120215-DSC_0102.jpg
Capture both the frame information and overall size.

20120215-20120215-DSC_0098.jpg  20120215-20120215-DSC_0099.jpg
With full size door and Window information you can measure the building. X number of windows, Y inches tall spaced Z apart and you’ve a good estimating tool.



A window, typical of all those along the southern wall was selected and a set of photos shot to illustrate how it and the wall were constructed.  What you cannot see is the depth of the wall. It is significant.  This is a potato warehouse and was built to last.
20120215-20120215-DSC_0090.jpg  20120215-20120215-DSC_0091.jpg 20120215-20120215-DSC_0092.jpg
Please note that we waded in snow to capture these shots. Keep your camera equipment warm and be conscious of avoiding lens frost or frozen auto focus elements.



And here is the start of a full size drawing. I will need to add detail drawings of the windows and doors.
HO scale drawing of warehouse 72 A.jpg


Because of the overall size of the building when built in HO scale, I did some foreshortening of the building but was able to keep the look and feel of the structure.
1 drawing in HO.jpg

Published in the Three Lakes Turn Volume 3, Number 7, July 2012
Three Lakes Model Railroad Club

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